Eat Low Fat dairy Foods for Healthy Life

The nutrients included in milk and other dairy foods like cheese and yoghurt are essential for good health, proper growth, and development in infants and children. Muscle-building protein, bone-strengthening calcium and vitamin D, and other essential nutrients can all be found in dairy products. Anyone over the age of 2 should drink low-fat milk (defined as milk with 1 percent fat or less).

Advantages of selecting low-fat dairy products include:

  • Less eating for better health.
  • Saturated fats should be limited since they are harmful to heart health.
  • Increased calcium intake promotes bone, tooth, and blood pressure health.
  • Vitamins D and A content is the same or increased.

Most of the milk eaten today is either 2 percent reduced-fat or whole, in spite of the health benefits of drinking low- or fat-free milk (full-fat). Less and less of us are drinking milk with a low or no fat content (skim or 1%).

healthy low fat dairy products | Healthy Life First